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C# – JSON serialize and deserialize

Hello Devz, JSON files are really common, we can see them everywhere. They provide a good structure to organize data, are simpler and lighter than XML files, and still human readable. In this simple example, we will show you how to use the Json.NET library (Newtonsoft) from NuGet. It is pretty simple to serialize and […]

WPF – Animated text

Sometimes it can be useful to have an animated text even in WPF. Typically a “Loading…”, where the 3 dots are moving one by one. Here is a simple way to do an animation with text: <StackPanel Orientation=”Horizontal” Margin=”20″> <Button Content=”Start” Height=”20″ Command=”{Binding StartCommand}” VerticalAlignment=”Top” Margin=”5″ /> <Button Content=”Stop” Height=”20″ Command=”{Binding StopCommand}” VerticalAlignment=”Top” Margin=”5″ /> […]

WPF – Nullable binding

Hello Devz, Imagine you have a TextBox binded to a nullable integer and you put a value in it. Now let’s say you delete this value. You expect to have your value to be null. To be able to do that, you need to update the properties of you binding like this: <TextBox Text=”{Binding Value, […]

WPF – MessageBox on top of the other Views

Hello devz, It happens sometimes with WPF that a popup or a MessageBox is hidden and can block the whole application. To avoid this, just do the following: var msgBoxResult = MessageBox.Show(Application.Current.MainWindow, “Are you sure?”, “Delete item”, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); The Application.Current.MainWindow is the solution… But please pay attention that this parameter can be different! Indeed it’s […]

C# – Simple email validation regex

Hello Devz, Do you have a web or WPF application that needs email address validation? Regex (regular expression) can help you. This post outlines a simple email validation regex that you can use straight away. What is a regex? A regular expression (regex for short) describes a search pattern using a particular text string. It’s […]

C# – DistinctBy extension

Hello devz, The Distinct extension from System.Linq is really useful but the DistinctBy a property is missing. So we will create our own DistinctBy extension. No worries, it’s really easy. What is DistinctBy? DistinctBy is a very simple extension snippet for C# which allows the developer to remove duplicated objects in a collection based on […]