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UWP – UI Thread and Multiple Views

UIThread UWP Dispatcher

What is “multiple view” in UWP? In UWP, your “main” application can open a new – separated – view. Here is a link from the Microsoft website. When should you use multiple views? In many cases it is useful to be able to open multiple views: – An email app that lets users view a […]

UWP – Theme Overview

UWP Themes Logo

How to get current Windows 10 Theme? In the namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement, you can Access to the UISettings class. It will allow you to get the Window background and deduce the current theme. How to set the theme when multiple views are open? You must iterate all the views via the CoreApplication. Secondly, you can go […]

Xamarin IOS – Manage InputTextView size and scrolling

xamarin ios scrolling inputtextview

Introduction This post is linked to my previous one about the keyboard (available here). The idea now is to manage InputTextView size and scrolling correctly. It’s a nightmare to scroll inside a small input. That is the reason why the scrolling is disabled until the height reach the middle of the screen. In the screenshot […]

Hangfire – Recurring tasks under a minute

hangfire cron job

Introduction What is Hangfire? “An easy way to perform background processing in .NET and .NET Core applications. No Windows Service or separate process required.” Basically, we needed to replace our “good” old Microsoft WorkFlow’s by something else. And the decision has been made; we will use Hangfire! What is the problem with Hangfire? It […]