Hello Devz, SQLite as a SQL Engine Database became a standard a few years ago already. As it’s name says: it’s lite, and it doesn’t require a dedicated server. Cheap and performant, what else? At the end of this simple tutorial you will be able to setup the minimum requirements to use SQLite with Entity […]
C# – Consume a WebService – Check VAT number from european commision
Here is a simple example of how to consume a WebService in a console app with C#. For this tutorial, we will use the free service from the European commission you can use to validate tax (VAT) number. Here is the web interface: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/ First of all, create a new console application (named CheckVat) and add a new […]
WPF – ItemsControl and TemplateSelector
Let’s say that you want to create your UI but in a dynamic way. Imagine a view which is based on a list of items you want to display. But this list can vary (depending on rights, or context). In this simple example, we want a label with a textbox, then a checkbox. We can do […]