Hey guys!

The DST are a real pain in the ass for all developers.

But I have got a little something for you! A DateTime extension method which will return the number of hours for the current Date.

public static int GetNumberOfActualHours(this DateTime dateTime)
    var hours = 24;

    var start = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, 1, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
    var end = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, 4, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);

    if ((!start.IsDaylightSavingTime()) && (end.IsDaylightSavingTime()))
    else if ((start.IsDaylightSavingTime()) && (!end.IsDaylightSavingTime()))

    return (hours);

Happy coding!